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Édition 2008

Les lauréats du Prix INNOVADORS 2008 ont été:
  • Création: DIVING ANDORRA (Héctor Encuentra et Raül Baró)
    Diving Andorra a été créée par deux enthousiastes du monde de la plongée, qui ont cru  en la plongée dans les lacs de haute montagne pouvait comme leur activité professionnelle. Les deux entrepreneurs veulent convertir l’Andorre en leader du monde de la plongée dans les lacs de montagne, grâce aux lacs naturels et artificiels que l’on trouve très facilement dans le pays. Diving Andorra offre la possibilité de réaliser des plongées sous la glace, veut émettre des certificats officiels, réaliser des tests de matériaux, faire de la R&D et des études géologiques et biologiques.
    Contact: divingandorra@andorra.ad
  • Diversification: SINTESI DISSENY (Joan Nadal)
    Síntesi Disseny a été créée par un designer graphique et industriel, spécialisé dans le design écologique et les solutions durables. Il est consultant de plusieurs entreprises de design écologique et travaille dans des concepts tout en créant des objets écologiques dont le “Bobhanger”, un cintre en carton recyclé et des bouteilles réutilisables en plastic. Son objectif est de concevoir au moins un nouveau produit par an, pour le marché des produits promotionnels, qui s’estiment à un marché de 18 milliards de dollars en Europe.
    Contact: sintesi@andorra.ad

Les deux entreprises ont reçu une dotation de 100.000 ?.

The awards were given by Martin Varsavsky, the famous entrepreneur, founder of Jazztel and Ya.com, and Albert Pintat, Prime Minister of Andorra on the sidelines of The Future of Europe Summit, an event which is bringing together top policy makers, academics and executives in Andorra to brainstorm on economic sustainability and the new opportunities it represents.

The INNOVADORS Prize was initiated by the OIE in 2006 with the aim of diversifying the Andorran economy and improving the business environment. The Creation Prize is awarded to business projects in their initial stages and the Diversification Prize includes projects by existing businesses in Andorra or abroad which intend to diversify their activity in Andorra. On 7 November 2008, Andorra completely opened up more than 200 economic activities to foreign investments.

More than 50 initiatives were proposed to the OIE in 2008. 30 participated to the competition and among the 9 finalists, 4 were proposed by Spanish citizens, 4 by Andorran citizens and one by a French citizen.

The finalists were:
  • HABITISSIMO - Sr. Jordi Ber
    The idea is creating an international website dedicated to architecture & design, focused on the new behaviors from the net generation, seeking a single stop shop for their needs, when they are building or renovating their home.

  • CAP K. - Sr. Marc Capdepuy
    Based on the idea that implementing an innovative shock absorber inside casual shoes could create a new market, forboth males and females, thanks to their accurate know how technology taken from space industry.

  • DIVING ANDORRA - Srs. Raúl Baró i Héctor Encuentra
    Creating a brand of diving activities specialized in high altitude diving, to position Andorra as the reference destination for this type of activities. Their services include recreational, training, R&&D and ice diving certificates.

    A company providing all services required by film producers and audiovisual companies, in order to position Andorra asa prime location for shooting films, basically in three fields: advertising, cinema and TV. These organizations are known as Film Commissions. A Film Commission promotes the geographic area under its scope and offers it to film producers.

  • IP4W - Srs. Jorge Isern, Miquel Huguet i Josep Carbonell
    IP4W is a global marketplace for technology patents and industrial property rights (designs, patents, brands, models or intellectual property). Owners of this patents or rights, and people or corporations interested in licensing them can use this platform to interact, as well as getting the information required for decision making.

  • CRYOSALUS - Sr. Cristian Bellsolell
    Establishing a innovative and high tech freezing system for fruits and vegetables without loosing organoleptic properties like flavors, textiles or aspect. Patented process, with high business expectations.

  • CLICK&& - Srs. Robert Pere Vilagran i Daniel Moner
    Based on a web technology for both private and public companies, having their own technology, with different R&D applications. Their value added is bringing facilities to users, proposing online and real time solutions.

  • SÍNTESI DISSENY - Sr. Joan Nadal
    Sintesi Design provides graphic and industrial solutions for andorran and foreign companies. Being sensitive to eco design, its team developed some sustainable solutions like Bobhanger, and creates an integral eco-conception from its R&D to its conception and further distribution.

  • INLINGUA - Sr. Ferran Costa
    Company based on teaching languages (english, french and spanish) intensively, isolating children from their tradicional lifestyle. Such idea is willing to bring value added to the andorran economy, via learning processes.